Monday, July 19, 2010

Sock Monkeys

Everyone keeps asking: Yes, Allie has done all of the work in the blog herself.  I showed her how to upload pictures and attach links and she did it! ~ Theresa

I like to make things.  My great grandmother came to America from Sicily in 1920 and worked as a seamstress.  She taught my grandma (I call her Mama) how to sew and now my Mama is teaching me.  All last year I went to my Mama's house once a week and learned how to sew on a sewing machine. Mama and Poppy bought me a sewing machine and this year Mama is going to teach me everything I need to know so that I can keep the sewing machine at my house.  But now it is at their house until I learn more.

Today my mom showed me this really cool blog by this cool girl that likes to sew.  Then I went on wiki-how and got plans to make a sock monkey and my mom said yes!  I could make it!  We had to sew it all by hand because the sewing machine is at Mama's house.  It was a lot of work.

I had to sew the legs.

Then I had to stuff the legs.

My mom helped me by drawing the tail, arms, ears and nose and cutting them out, then I sewed them up.

Now I have a new friend.

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