Monday, October 11, 2010

The Best Day EVER!!!!!

     Yesterday we went to go see Winnie in NEW YORK! First we went through the park. [ around the water].  Winnie is really nice and cool and she likes nature and animals just like I do!
Then near the the big bridge, saw a street show! It was the best. Then under the bridge there was 4 kids and 4 adults, that sang and played instruments. They were so good! Then we saw strawberry fields.
   Then we saw the Imagine sign in New York at Central park.
    Then Winnie and her sister came with us to our car and we drove to the Pizzeria. It is the best. when we where waiting, we saw that David Archaleta went there! Then my mom's uncle met us there it was a blast.
then when we were near the market I got a Jade stone necklace, it was a sign of the scorpio.  Then we got ice cream on Bleecker Street.



  1. Now you just have to come see me! Or I will come see you since I want to visit NYC so badly! :) Loving your vlogging too

  2. I would love to see you. But I am a little shy!!
